3 Helpful Tips for seniors to Sleep Peacefully

A good night’s sleep may enhance your loved one’s concentration and memory formation. A deep sleep may allow the body to repair any cell damage and refreshes immune system. Depression, attention, and memory problems may cause poor sleeping pattern in seniors. Seniors who sleep less may increase their risk of diabetes and weight problems.

Enhancing Sleeping Habits

Seniors may ensure a good night’s sleep by reducing emotional problems. Your loved one can change the sleeping environment which may help him or her sleep in an easy manner. Seniors may choose healthier daytime habits for maintaining a regular sleeping pattern. Your loved one may experiment to find the specific changes that work best to enhance his or her sleep. There are multiple Home Care Arlington services for seniors and elderly people which might help them in coping with their health issues and mental depression.

Make the room cozier: If there are artificial lights in your loved one’s room then it may cause disruption in his or her sleep. You can install low-wattage bulbs. You may ask your loved one to turn off the TV and computer at least one hour before bed.
Don’t read from a device at night: Your loved one can use an e Reader if he or she intends to read at night.

Make sure the bedroom is dark and cool: Check whether your loved one’s room is free from noise or not. Stressful things like noise, light, and heat can cause sleep problems in seniors. You can buy your loved one a sleep mask to help block out light.

Use the bedroom only for sleep: Make sure there are no TVs or computers in the bedroom. The electronic devices can become a distraction for your loved one at night.

Maintaining a Good Diet

Exercise and diet are the two most important daytime habits that affect sleep. Seniors should eat a healthy diet and avoid spicy foods hours before bedtime. Here are few things seniors can look after which may promote a good night sleep.

Drinking less caffeine in the evening: Seniors can avoid caffeine in the form of coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate late in the day. Caffeine can increase alertness in the body and disturbs the sleeping schedule.

Have a full stomach before bedtime: Seniors who sleep on an empty stomach may wake up many times at night. Your loved one can eat crackers, cereals, and milk to prevent him or her craving for food in the middle of the night.

Don’t eat big meals or spicy foods: Large or spicy foods may lead to discomfort in seniors during their sleep. Seniors may try to eat less at dinner and at least three hours before bedtime.

Cut back liquid intake before sleep: Seniors should drink less water which may prevent them from waking up with a full bladder. Drink water or hot milk before an hour and a half before bedtime.

Regular Exercise for Overcoming Sleep Problems

Exercise is an important factor which may boost your loved one’s sleep. Aerobic exercises may releases chemicals in the body that promote more restful sleep. It may enhance sleep quality, sleep duration, or prevent insomnia. Here are few activities seniors can do to prepare them for a good night’s sleep at the end of the day.

Swimming: Swimming can be an excellent way for seniors to reduce joint or muscle pain. Your loved one may join swimming programs or water-based exercise classes.
Dancing: If your loved one likes music, then he or she can go dancing or take a dance class. Dance classes are a way to enhance your loved one’s social interaction.

Golfing: Golf is an exercise that doesn’t need more movement. Seniors may enhance their mood by spending time on the golf course.

Cycling or running: If your loved one is in good shape then he or she may run outdoors or on a stationary bike or treadmill.

Published by Home Care Assistance of Arlington

Home Care Assistance is working endlessly to enhance the lifestyle of aging adults in the city of Arlington. Home care agency is providing unparalleled at-home care to seniors with Alzheimer’s, dementia, stroke, cancer or Parkinson’s. There are no hidden charges and we never ask our clients to sign long-term contracts. Our caregivers are highly trained and filled with great compassion and commitment to deliver best services. We are the trusted experts of home care in Arlington. To know more about our services, give us a call at 817-591-1580.

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